Father Dagon

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Father Dagon is a herald. He first appeared in Innsmouth Horror expansion.

Father Dagon - King of the Deep Ones

When Father Dagon is the Herald, place one uprising token on the Deep Ones Rising track at the start of the game and after each time the Feds raid Innsmouth. You must play with the Innsmouth board to use this Herald.

Plans Set in Motion

"Vast, Polyphemous-like, and loathsome, it darted like a stupendous monster of nightmares to the monolith, about which it flung its gigantic scaly arms."

Draw and resolve one additional mythos card at the start of the game.

Every time the terror level increases, each investigator must spend 1 Clue token. If one or more investigators are unable to do so, add one doom token to the doom track. Investigators who can spend a Clue token must still do so.

Teeming Masses

If Cthulhu is the Ancient One, his combat rating is improved by -1 (to -7). When Cthulhu awakens, add up the total toughness of any monsters with the plus dimensional symbol in play. The investigators must inflict that many extra successes on Cthulhu in order to defeat him.

King and Queen

Both Father Dagon and Mother Hydra may be used as Heralds during the same game. All of their effects are cumulative with each other. So, for instance, two uprising tokens are placed on the deep Ones rising track at the start of the game and after each time the Feds raid Innsmouth.