The Great Ritual
The Great Ritual is a mythos card. It first appeared in the Arkham Horror board game
Card Information
Mythos Type: Rumor
Gate Opens: Graveyard
Clue Appears At:
Mythos Ability: Ongoing Effect: Cultists, Witches, Warlocks, and High Priests have their toughness increased by 2 while this card is in play. Place 1 clue token on this card at the end of every Mythos Phase (beginning the turn after it entered play).
Pass: If a single player discards 3 spells (4 if there are 5 or more players) while in the French Hill streets during the Arkham Encounters phase, return this card to the box. Each player gains 2 clue tokens.
Fail: If there are ever 5 Clue tokens on this card, return it to the box. From now on, draw 2 Mythos cards each Mythos Phase. Ignore everything on the first card except for the gate opening.